Friday, July 22, 2011

You've got to live a little...

Recently I was busy with work one Saturday, trying to complete a real cumbersome asignment I'd been given a day or two before.
The week had been like a work week in hell and I hadn't had any time to complete it.
So there I was spending my free, personal time to finish work that in all honesty could have waited until Monday, so that I would have more time to do whatever other asignment came in during the week.
But why do we work?
Do we do it for pleasure or the income it provides?
Honestly, would you still work if you didn't have to even if you really loved the work you do?
Sure a lot would say yes, but in the end work is all about necessity.
Take that away and nothing is left.
Yet there I found myself doing work on my time just so that I had more time do more work.
Why work at all if you don't get to do the things you work for in the first place?
That's just pointless.
Spend as much time doing the things you love, work excluded you sick workoholics!
Get a life.
Get a hobby.
Get anything you'd look forward to doing/being with outside of work.
Live for that and let your work be nothing more than a means to an end.

Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.2

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