Thursday, August 16, 2012

Dying arts...

Common decency is nearing its extinction.
Only form of decency you find is of the professional variety.
What happened to being nice because you wanted to and being nice beyond the minimum required boundaries?
Just once in a while I'd like to actually pick up a phone and have a secretary say: hi, I'm whoever. How are you? My boss would like to speak to you or someone at your office.
Instead I get a: is whoever available? Not? Nevermind and then she slams the earpeace down.
Bad telephone etikette is one of my pet peaves.
Hate it worse than genocide and world hunger.
I'd rather step on an eel than ever have to hear bad etikette ever again in my life.
Youth of today's standards just aren't equal to the ones I was raised with.
Discipline is another thing.
Civilization is going backwards.
Stone age here we come.

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