Being a psychologist or psychiatrist really needs to be all about wanting to help people.
Truth be told all the real good ones get called quacks and the sorts.
People generally don't like hearing the truth and that's why.
Bad ones tell patients exactely what they want to hear and so get lots of credit and are widely loved.
Lies don't help anyone though.
You've got to face a truth and accept it to be able to fix it.
I look at myself and the people in my life.
I'd had to take a hard, honest look at myself to realise all the wrongs in my life.
But I accepted it and I'm doing something to change.
I don't think there is anything harder than changing the very core of who and what you are no matter how little that change.
I've changed, but I had to see a deep inner part of me I never knew existed.
I had to be broken to be able to rebuild who I am.
I had to be weak and vulnerable so that now I can be strong.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
So what phone should you get?
I going to be biased towards android here.
I took the plunge to android before even I really knew anything about the OS.
All I knew was I hated Nokia and the crap Symbian operating system they were pushing on their clients.
2 years down the line and I've come to love android.
Apple is a great alternative which really takes a pounding without ever missing a beat and setting up almost anything is virtually childsplay.
What really pisses me off about ios is its lack of widgets and the tight constraints Apple puts on what you can do.
No changing the interface or icons like android.
Another thing, and this is a big one, is the price.
Apple's phones have steadily fallen behind in their specs yet their prices are higher than the top android phones.
That, for me, makes it nothing but a image thing.
It's not a bad device, it's just not worth the price.
That settled lets move on to blackberry...
RIM's little messaging wonders have really taken off in South Africa.
While they are showing losses everywhere else africa has been a steady source of income for the Canadian manufacturer.
Despite having laid off some of their workers twice in the last couple of months there hopefully is no end in sight...yet.
Going down would be bad for anyone owning a blackberry...I would have a celebration party.
The reason android is so popular is due to a couple of things, but in my opinion the most prominent reason is due to the fact that the savings from the operating system goes straight into the hardware thus for the same price other phones just can't compete.
Blackberry is very guilty here.
They are always a generation or two behind and their software is old and unimaginative.
I genuinely hope bbos10 proves me wrong.
Their success falls squarely on their "free internet".
Few stop and think about this.
There is a monthly fee.
Furthermore Blackberry uses a different apn through which all internet on device is filtered, slowing even hsdpa internet speeds down to what more closely resembles edge.
At this point I'd like to mention that I think what Nokia have done with the Lumia 800 and 900 is magnificent.
I take my hat off to them.
Microsoft screwed them though, Windows phone 8 not coming to either.
If you want a modern smartphone but can't be bothered with all the functions android of Apple can offer you or finding either to complicated then Windows phone 7 is for you.
It does a lot the two I mentioned can but in a lot simpler way.
I love it, I just love android more...
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Cooler as ekke...
Anyone else ever feel the need to be right on the edge of technology.
Just got to be better than everyone I know.
Expensive challenge though.
Living on toast and baked beans are getting old anyway...
I'm changing to creamed corn on toast...yeah I know, but my cellphone contract is due for an upgrade and the new Samsung galaxy s3 is out!
Last time, promise!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Dying arts...
Common decency is nearing its extinction.
Only form of decency you find is of the professional variety.
What happened to being nice because you wanted to and being nice beyond the minimum required boundaries?
Just once in a while I'd like to actually pick up a phone and have a secretary say: hi, I'm whoever. How are you? My boss would like to speak to you or someone at your office.
Instead I get a: is whoever available? Not? Nevermind and then she slams the earpeace down.
Bad telephone etikette is one of my pet peaves.
Hate it worse than genocide and world hunger.
I'd rather step on an eel than ever have to hear bad etikette ever again in my life.
Youth of today's standards just aren't equal to the ones I was raised with.
Discipline is another thing.
Civilization is going backwards.
Stone age here we come.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
It all ADDs up in the end.
Anybody reading this also a victom of attention deficite disorder?
Ritalin rocks right?
Wondered whether I was the only one that hated getting stuck in glue.
Positivity at a premium
I find it incredibly difficult to write anything worth reading if I'm not either suicidally depressed or nauseatingly in love.
Note to self: check with psychologist whether above mentioned situations are somehow guess is yes.
I've always dreamed of becoming a best selling novellist but if that was at the expense of either happiness or my sanity then I'm passing on it.
Writing makes me happy, but I'd much rather just be happy to start with.
And lets not even start on the topic of love...its too nauseating...
We all get lonely, but I think its way better to be lonely outside a relationship than in one...
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Little hints of insanity...
Last couple of months have been interesting to say the least.
Had my heart broken and lost a very dear friend of mine.
Won't mention the biatch that broke my heart again, bit what is close to my heart is how Cynthea, my dear friend, had influenced me.
No one who knows me would disagree if someone mention that I've changed.
Hell, everyone would probably agree it is all for the better...because I was a bit of a nutcase before.
Truth is people, I was sane back then
Now I find myself asking: what would Cynthea do? in almost every situation.
I'm feeling like I've developed a split personality.
Right side of my brain, which controls emotions, pretty much IS Cynthea these days.
People like me more these days.
Way to go C!
Had to loose my mind for people to start doubting I'm crazy.