Friday, December 5, 2008

The grass is always bluer on the other side of graduation

Eish...the things I'd do to be able to relive my school years.
Gone are my fears of tests and exams and so are my wishes that it could all just be over and time to get a job and just get out of your parents house and do whatever you want when you want to.
I bet everyone wish at school that it would all just be over.
And I'm pretty sure soon afterwards everyone of those folks ask themselves what the hell they were thinking actually believing it was going to be a whole lot more fun.
I'd give my left kidney to only have to worry about stupid tests and homework.
Failing tests ain't that won't get you into the unemployment line and it sure as hell won't let you go to sleep hungry.

Call me crazy but the thing I miss most of all is the discipline.
It's way too hard to have to watch yourself.
I bet a lot of guys get married just to get that "I'm watching you and you'd better not be doing what I told you not to!" feeling that reminds us of mom and dad.

Fitness and keeping a watch of your weight is also simply impossible to the most of us since there ain't no coach promising us something terrible if we didn't perform as he wished.

All that matters now is to suck up to the boss just enough not to draw attention and to finish that assignment before the deadline.
Then there is your budget.
Hell, I never even knew what a budget was until I moved out of my parents' house.
Talking about dropping you into the the deep end with chains around your arms and legs!

So kiddies, make the best of your schooldays because even though you;d probably disagree I promise you life after school has way less perks that sponging on your beloved parents.

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